Full Participation means everyone is included in their place of worship.
•What if everyone is included in their chosen faith community?
•What would that mean for the disabled person?
•What would that mean for the faith community?
It’s not just about the temple, mosque, church, synagogue or gurdwara facility being accessible. That’s a bare minimum. The Inclusive Faith Project is a co-designed strategy whose objective is the full participation of disabled persons in the life and practice of their faith communities for mutual benefit of all.
Empathy, respect, social cohesion and justice are worth the effort.
The NZ Human Rights Commission, Inclusive Aotearoa Collective, Yes Disability, Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People, NZ’s Religious Diversity Centre and others are partnering nationally and locally in this multisector multifaith initiative.
Practical outcomes of this initiative will include resources for further engagement wherever a disabled person of faith lives. The process itself will enrich participants’ understanding of disability issues and interfaith relationships.
Over winter 2022 the Inclusive Faith Project team travelled Aotearoa, successfully delivering 7 regional hui, 2 online hui and 1 rangatahi hui, alongside our local partners. Each hui has been different and diverse, with each one offering rich kōrero and learnings. The stories and experiences shared have been authentic, heartfelt and valuable. Discussions were often challenging, ultimately delivering messages of hope, connection, and purpose – values that connect us all, across different disabilities, faith traditions and life experiences.
There is increasing recognition of the value of participation and inclusion in all facets of our communities, and how this impacts wellbeing and resilience. While Aotearoa recovers from the impacts of Covid-19 we have the chance to do things better, to strengthen belonging and participation for the benefit of all.
Hui participants have reflected the incredible diversity of this project – within the Disability community and different faith communities. We have heard from people with Intellectual Disabilities, Physical Disabilities, Learning Disabilities, Neurodiversity, Sensory Sensitivity (terminology check please), Hearing Impairments, Visual Impairments, Acquired Disabilities, Age Related disabilities, mental health challenges, parents, whanau, spouses and caregivers.
We have heard from imams, pastors, priests, practitioners, social services coordinators, students, family engagement officers, women’s inclusive faith groups, disability resource experts and more. Attendees have represented over 12 unique and diverse religions, and many have also identified as being a Disabled Person of Faith.
This project has been supported by people who have undertaken extensive work within their faith communities to enhance participation, inclusion and belonging. Many hui participants are people who have spent their lives informing and advocating for disability awareness and inclusion in all areas life, including community and faith communities.
Time and time again our team was told by Faith Champions that they wanted to hear the experience and stories of Disabled People directly. Learning alongside one another has kept us all open, humble, expectant and attentive.
One outcome from participating in this co-design process is that many Faith Champions and representatives from inclusive faith groups nationwide have enthusiastically come onboard to support this project, with a desire to update training courses and resources in in professional and faith training schools. Authentic outcomes and sustained changes are already underway!
Shared Values
While it’s easy to think of the different faith traditions being distinct from each other, it was also exciting to watch interfaith dialogue and realisation that there are many shared values across the major religions practiced in Aotearoa. Listening in as rabbis and imams discussed practical ways hospitality and respect can be practiced in their particular contexts, now that they are more aware of and comfortable with disability conversations, is very encouraging. This project created opportunities for Baha’i, Christians, Muslims and Buddhists to be in conversation with each other about their common concern for justice, equity and opportunity.
Online Survey
Disabled People of Faith
Faith Champions
This survey is part of a co-design process that will inform resources that will be practical and flexible for use in many places.
Save The Date
The first of our resources will be launched on the 3rd December 2022, with more to come in early 2023.
We need your help!
Please help the Inclusive Faith Project to capture more diverse stories, experiences, and voices by sharing this e-bulletin and survey link across your networks. It is worth it!
Please contact IFProject@yesdisability.org.nz for more info and opportunities to participate.
To register for a regional gathering near you, please click the button bellow
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