We offer a range of workshops and programmes which help provide holistic support, with focus on personal and leadership development, and training for our disabled youth.
Working in a co-creative space, all of our projects are co-designed and co-delivered with disabled youth, which keep YES services and support relevant and accessible to the needs of the disability community.
Check out our latest news and workshops below.
Are you a person with a disability and a person of faith? We would love to learn from your experience of being included or feeling excluded.
Together, we will be holding workshops around the country to bring people of various faith traditions together to share experiences and together work toward building inclusive faith communities across Aotearoa.
Date: 7th September 2022
Time: 9am – 2pm
Venue: Auckland Netball Centre, 7 Allison Fergusson Drive, St Johns
I.Lead held our SECOND conference completely virtually on the 21st and 22nd February 2022, and it was a huge success! Our guest speakers included Honourable Carmel Sepuloni, Minister for Disability Issues; Cam Calkoen – Inspirational International Speaker, Paula Tesoriero MNZM – Human Rights Commissioner for Disability Issues and Jade Farrar – Chair of the Enabling Good Lives Committee.
YES Disability Resource Centre hosts a quarterly Northern Providers Network Meeting. We work as part of a Collaborative Impact model, connecting and collaborating with other
Re-Imagine was a project that came about 5 years ago to showcase that young people with disabilities can be anything they dream of. Our previous