What's Happening

We offer a range of workshops and programmes which help provide holistic support, with focus on personal and leadership development, and training for our disabled youth.

Working in a co-creative space, all of our projects are co-designed and co-delivered with disabled youth, which keep YES services and support relevant and accessible to the needs of the disability community. 

Check out our latest news and workshops below.


I.LEAD’s First Birthday

On September 3rd and 4th, the team at YES and I.LEAD celebrated I.LEAD’s first birthday. It has been a year since the conference, and there has been so much that’s

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Shore Junction – WOW

Wooooow. That’s the first thing I said as I gazed up into what can only be a dream in the real world. It did have some scaffolding still around it,

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2020 is here!

For some it will be the year Harry and Megan left, Donald Trump was impeached and dare I say the New Zealand election. NOT FOR US. 2020 is the year

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